The Master Level automation engineer shall be the main focal point for automation design, implementation and commissioning with ODM factories. He/she shall be responsible for all facets of automation activities from SMT to Final Assembly at the supplier/factory. The automation engineer shall be responsible for factory-wide automation specification and standardization.
He /she shall be technically responsible and owner of the pilot system projects of smart automation and robotization in collaboration with the ODM factory and external system provider:
- Be the Centre of Expertise to work with the ODM factory in defining priorities and roadmaps for smart automation implementation.
- Work with external system provider and ODM Automation team in automation design by precisely translating the use case requirement into system specification while balancing process requirements, layout constraints, cost, and lead time limits.
- Work with ODM factory and external system provider in software and hardware developments of smart and autonomous automation and robotization technologies.
- Work with the ODM factory for the end-to-end system implementation and commissioning phase.
- Collaborating with ODM factory to integrate with existing Manufacturing shop-floor control system.'
Minimum Master’s degree in Automation, Artificial Intelligence with at least 10 years of related experience.
Working Knowledge:
The candidate must have below working knowledge:
- Automation technology and design.
- Experience in AI and IoT.
- Experience in Python programming language
- Automation Integration with Factory Operation.
- Integration with Factory IT
- 计算机硬件·网络设备
- 1000人以上
- 中外合资(合资·合作)
- 朝阳区建国路112号中国惠普大厦
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