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北京林木分子设计育种高精尖创新中心2018年xiaoru wang王晓茹研究团队招聘博士后启事







王晓茹博士,瑞典umea大学生态与环境科学系、umea植物科学研究中心(upsc)教授,国家自然科学基金委“杰出青年基金”获得者,中国科学院“百人计划”入选者。现任北京林业大学特聘教授、林木分子设计育种高精尖创新中心pi、博士生导师。主要研究包括林木群体遗传学、生态遗传学和林木遗传育种。在杂交物种起源和进化机制、适应性分化的遗传基础和林木遗传育种研究领域有突出的成绩。领导的课题组多年来对欧亚大陆森林树种的遗传结构和进化历史开展了一系列精细的遗传学分析,得到国际学术界高度评价。此外,主持开展了应用分子标记信息建立林木良种策略的系列应用课题,为简化、缩短林木育种周期探索新途径。在genetics、evolution、mol biol evol、plant cell、mol ecol、am j bot、febs lett、evol ecol、appl environ microbiol等国际重要刊物上(sci刊物)发表论文90余篇,多项研究发现被收入到了英文教科书。曾主持瑞典基础科学基金会,瑞典农、林、空间基金会,中国自然科学基金委,日本科学促进基金会等多项课题。






















postdoctoral admission notice of baicftbmd

beijing advanced innovation center for tree breeding by molecular design (baicftbmd) , initiated and led by beijing forestry university(bjfu), is an international research platform that pools global talents and cutting-edge intellectual resources in the field of tree breeding by molecular designing. baicftbmd, focusing on the key and critical technological demands of modern forestry, is committed to integrating all the innovative factors available in the field of forestry biology into a whole. buttressed by such most sophisticated technologies as high throughput single-cell sequencing, genome editing technology and etc. baicftbmd aims to put in place an integrated platform for both theoretical and technological breakthroughs in tree breeding, featuring in particular the following 3 aspects: biological basis for favorable growth; tree breeding through molecular designing; quality seed breeding and their application on scale-of-economy. a systematic tree breeding innovation chain composed of 9 sub-sections, namely, the molecular basis for favorable tree growth, genome-wide target selection technologies, the breeding of critical tree species through molecular design, and others, will be brought into shape, hence paving the way for scoring major technological breakthroughs in its focus areas, which include forestry biology and tree gene breeding. now the center has a full-time postdoctoral job, welcome all distinguished graduates from domestic and overseas universities and research institutes to sign up.

i. admission plan

1. research direction:molecular basis of plant growth and development traits

2. admission quota:2

3. cooperation tutor:

dr. xiao-ru wang, professor at department of ecology and environmental science, the umea university of sweden, and umea plant science center (upsc), recipient of the outstanding young fund of the national natural science foundation of china, was elected by the chinese academy of sciences' 100 person program'. the main research areas include tree population genetics/genomics, ecological genetics and tree breeding. she has outstanding achievements in the origin and evolution mechanism of hybrid speciation, genetic basis of adaptive differentiation and forest genetic breeding research. the team has conducted a series of fine genetic analyses of the genetic structure and evolutionary history of the eurasian tree species over the years, and has been highly appraised by the international academic community. in addition, a series of application subjects of applying molecular marker information to establish tree breeding strategies have been carried out to explore new ways for simplifying and shortening the cycle of tree breeding. in genetics, evolution, mol biol evol, plant cell, mol ecol, am j bot, febs lett, evol ecol, appl environ microbiol and other important international journals (sci publication), she published more than 90 papers. a number of studies were referred in english textbooks. funding from the swedish foundation science foundation, the swedish agriculture, forestry and space foundation, the china natural science foundation, the japan science foundation and many other topics.

job description:

research into the genetic and ecological mechanisms underlying adaptive differentiation among natural populations of the tree species. the research will be conducted within the framework of an international research collaboration. the goals are to reconstruct to genetic structure, to dissolve the population history, to identify genomic variants associated with local adaptation and to key traits involved in adaptation, and to explore the molecular basis of the detected genomic variants. it will focus on the genetic basis and adaptive significance of variation in abiotic adaptation. duties include the establishment and monitoring of experiments in the field and under controlled conditions in the lab, genomic sequencing, assembly and genotyping, data analysis, and the preparation of manuscripts for publication. specific subprojects can be tailored to the skills and interests of the successful candidate.

ii. admission requirements

the minimum qualifications for admission into the postdoctoral program are:

1.under 35 with a doctoral degree in biology or relevant studies from a recognized university within three years; excellence-oriented with good health;

2.the first author of at least two sci papers; or the first author of one paper (if>;5); or having creative achievements in the related fields. good at skills of genetics, genomics and bioinformatics and proficiency in instrumental analysis and experimental techniques.

4. proficiency in english reading, writing and communication; with independent research ability and team spirit.

iii. stipend

1.the relevant labs will offer those who are admitted excellent research facilities and personal development space;

2. we will use the annual salary system with the amount of about 200,000 ~250,000 rmb yuan,and housing allowance. the payment will be given differently by the performance and academic ability.

3.each admitted into the program will enjoy the following benefits: social security, beijing citizenship, and some other beneficial policies concerning their spouses and minorities.

iv. admission plan

application submission:

remember that a resume and relevant supporting documents/materials should be attached in the email (), with the subject specifying “postdoctoral admission + your name + the name of the research group”;


preliminary reviews of the application materials will be conducted by baicftbmd and the tutor, followed by further examination of the scientific abilities, academic levels, and overall quality of the applicants;

online application & submission:

those who are qualified and willing to join the team should fill in the details, and submit the application on. and printed materials should be sent to the university’s administration center of the postdoctoral program at the same time;

school approval & physical examination:

the personnel department of bfu will conduct further review and verification of the applicant's qualifications. for those who are approved, a physical examination will be held in the university hospital;

5.administrative approval from the national postdoctoral committee (npc):

applicants are required to go through the procedures in npc;

check in:

those who are approved to be admitted will sign a contract with bjfu and then finish the registration.

v. contact us

business consulting emails:

xiao-ru wang (),

jian-feng mao ()

transaction email:

web site:

