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北京林木分子设计育种高精尖创新中心2018年richard dixon院士研究团队招聘博士后启事







richard dixon院士1953年出生于英国,1969年-1976在牛津大学取得本硕博士学位,1976年受聘于剑桥大学,1982年在伦敦大学获终身教授,2007年当选美国科学院院士,2016年当选美国植物生物学学会(aspb)主席。2010年至今在science, nature, proceedings of the national academy of sciences(8篇), plant cell(7篇), trends in plant science(3篇), annual review of phytopathology(2篇), plant physiology, plant journal, molecular plant, current opinionin biotechnology, new phytologist等期刊上发表论文100多篇。是国际上动物、植物和微生物领域被引用最多的10名科学家之一。























postdoctoral admission notice of baicftbmd

beijing advanced innovation center for tree breeding by molecular design (baicftbmd) , initiated and led by beijing forestry university(bjfu), is an international research platform that pools global talents and cutting-edge intellectual resources in the field of tree breeding by molecular designing. baicftbmd, focusing on the key and critical technological demands of modern forestry, is committed to integrating all the innovative factors available in the field of forestry biology into a whole. buttressed by such most sophisticated technologies as high throughput single-cell sequencing, genome editing technology and etc. baicftbmd aims to put in place an integrated platform for both theoretical and technological breakthroughs in tree breeding, featuring in particular the following 3 aspects: biological basis for favorable growth; tree breeding through molecular designing; quality seed breeding and their application on scale-of-economy. a systematic tree breeding innovation chain composed of 9 sub-sections, namely, the molecular basis for favorable tree growth, genome-wide target selection technologies, the breeding of critical tree species through molecular design, and others, will be brought into shape, hence paving the way for scoring major technological breakthroughs in its focus areas, which include forestry biology and tree gene breeding. now the center has a full-time postdoctoral job, welcome all distinguished graduates from domestic and overseas universities and research institutes to sign up.

i. admission plan

1.research direction:engineering of lignin and condensed tannins in tree

2. admission quota:2

3. cooperation tutor:

richard dixon, as an academician, was born in 1953 in the uk. he received the undergraduate, master and doctoral degrees in oxford during 1969 to 1976, and was employed in cambridge university in 1976. in 1982, he got tenured professor in london university and was elected academician of the united states in 2007 and chairman of american plants biology society (aspb) in 2016. since 2010, he had published more than 100 papers in academic journals: 8 in science, nature and proceedings of the national academy of sciences, 7 in plant cell, 3 in trends in plant science, 2 in annual review of phytopathology and other journals as plant physiology, plant journal , molecular plant, current opinion in biotechnology and new phytologist. he is one of the ten most-cited scientists in the fields of international animals, plants and microbes.

job description:

mainly work on the engineering of lignin and condensed tannins in trees. the research involves molecular analysis of biotic and abiotic stress responses in trees and model plants with genetically altered lignin contents and compositions (position 1) and intracellular transport of condensed tannins and their precursors (position 2). please see publications regarding our on-going lignin and condensed tannin research (nature plants 2, 16050 and 16182; plant journal 86, 363; plant cell 27, 7860).

ii. admission requirements

the minimum qualifications for admission into the postdoctoral program are:

1.under 35 with a doctoral degree in biology or relevant studies from a recognized university within three years; excellence-oriented with good health;

2.the first author of at least two sci papers; or the first author of one paper (if>;5); or having creative achievements in the related fields.

3.applicants should have experience in plant biochemistry, molecular biology and/or cell biology; be proficiency in instrumental analysis and experimental techniques.

4. proficiency in english reading, writing and communication; with independent research ability and team spirit.

5. applicants are required to submit a separate cover letter explaining interest in the position and career goals

iii. stipend

1.the relevant labs will offer those who are admitted excellent research facilities and personal development space;

2. we will use the annual salary system with the amount of about 200,000 ~250,000 rmb yuan,and housing allowance. the payment will be given differently by the performance and academic ability.

3.each admitted into the program will enjoy the following benefits: social security, beijing citizenship, and some other beneficial policies concerning their spouses and minorities.

iv. admission procedure

application submission:

remember that a resume and relevant supporting documents/materials should be attached in the email (), with the subject specifying “postdoctoral admission + your name + the name of the research group”;


preliminary reviews of the application materials will be conducted by baicftbmd and the tutor, followed by further examination of the scientific abilities, academic levels, and overall quality of the applicants;

online application & submission:

those who are qualified and willing to join the team should fill in the details, and submit the application on. and printed materials should be sent to the university’s administration center of the postdoctoral program at the same time;

school approval & physical examination:

the personnel department of bfu will conduct further review and verification of the applicant's qualifications. for those who are approved, a physical examination will be held in the university hospital;

5.administrative approval from the national postdoctoral committee (npc):

applicants are required to go through the procedures in npc;

check in:

those who are approved to be admitted will sign a contract with bjfu and then finish the registration.

v. contact us

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