简介:波马公司介绍 Poma Presentation 波马集团座落于法国东南部,毗邻阿尔卑斯山脉。创业之初,波马公司阿以尔卑斯山众多的滑雪场为市场切入点,积极进取,不懈创新,公司不断发展壮大,业务遍及全球,现已发展成为世界上规模最大,技术最先进,索道类型和建成项目最多、技术最先进的专业索道集团,是最知名的索道设计、制造、安装和技术服务公司之一。 波马公司自1936年创建以来,已在世界上近73个国家建造了8000余条不同类型的索道,共有客户750余个,成为了世界上建造索道最多的集团公司。经过70多年的发展,波马集团已在法国境内拥有7家全属子公司。集团在海外拥有全资的美国波马公司、加拿大波马公司、意大利波马公司;在瑞典、瑞士、保加利亚和奥地利设有独资公司;在挪威、西班牙、斯洛伐克和日本建有联营公司;在英国、希腊、芬兰、韩国、澳大利亚、智利、印度和伊朗设有代理处。 1994年底,波马在中国北京设立了代表处,开始拓展中国索道市场。凭借着在中国20多年积聚的丰富经验以及中国巨大的市场需求,2007年,波马成立了北京分公司,以便更好地满足日益增长的中国市场需求。从那时开始,波马北京分公司迅速扩大了其在中国的市场份额,在数年间推出了一系列符合中国市场的产品和服务。 波马将不断提升服务品质,追求更快,更令客户满意的服务。选择波马也将会成为您明智而专业的选择。 Located in the southeast of France, Poma Group became a recognized company thanks to its success in meeting the needs of the ski industry in the Alps. It was the starting point of a long history of continuous development, improvement and innovation. Since then, Poma Group has been expanding its businesses all around the world and has become the World’s largest and most innovative ropeway manufacturing company providing high quality design, manufacturing, technical services and installation. Since its establishment in 1936, Poma has manufactured more than 8000 ropeways and expanded its businesses in more than 73 countries. Throughout its 70 year development history, Poma group now has 7 subsidiaries in France and abroad including: Poma of America, Poma Canada and Poma Italia. Poma Group also established wholly-owned companies in Sweden, Switzerland, Bulgaria, Austria, affiliated companies in Norway, Spain, Slovakia, Japan and representative offices in England, Greece, Finland, South Korea, Australia, Chile, India and Iran. At the end of 1994, Poma set up a representative office in Beijing so as to get closer to the Chinese market. Poma Group, relying on almost 20 years experience in China, established its Beijing branch in 2007. Since then, Poma Beijing has expanded its market shares and developed a range of products and services meeting the growing Chinese market requirements.
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