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北京云端智度科技有限公司 最近更新 398人关注
工作职责: 我们是短视频创作的引领者。我们的使命是激发创造,带来欢乐。 全球商业化安全(MI) 团队在推动降低广告和商业风险的举措及保证我们平台上的广告主质量方面发挥着关键作用。中国出海广告主体验团队(CNOB Adevertiser Experience team,以下简称AdEx) 作为中国出海销售团队对接商业化安全相关问题的主要沟通桥梁,通过日常对接广审问题(包括但不限于:审核、政策、流程等),改善销售和广告主在广告投放过程中的广审体验。 作为广告主体验团队的商业化运营经理,您将带领团队与跨职能部门合作,保证商业化广告的内容安全。同时,您将根据出海垂类团队的具体业务模式,与销售团队共同处理解决多种复杂问题,成为驱动商业化加速发展的引擎。 工作职责: 1、领导团队成员,为出海应用行业及代理商团队提供高效支持,提升销售、广告主及代理商广告投放体验; 2、制定AdEx团队应用及代理商垂类的支持计划,并对工作计划进行持续跟踪和监控; 3、负责中国出海广告主商业化安全在应用和代理商方面的整体把控,与各协作团队(如产品、政策、风控等)紧密合作, 确保出海销售和广告主日常商业化安全相关问题的顺畅解决; 4、密切关注数据,针对异常情况进行跟踪和深入分析并通过及时传达预警把控客户风险; 5、向内外部利益相关者定期同步政策、流程等更新,传达变化产生的影响,助力销售发掘拓客机会; 6、带领团队成员为销售和广告主提供及时沟通和教育,助力其在短视频平台中的投放效果达到最优; 7、建立和优化非中国商业化安全团队的服务管理机制和流程,提升客户满意度; 8、培养和管理团队成员,持续提升团队整体素质,并不断优化和改进工作流程。 Bytedance has a leading destination for short-form mobile video. Our mission is to inspire creativity and bring joy. The Monetization Integrity (MI) team plays a critical role in reducing advertising and business risks and ensuring the quality of advertisers on our platform. As the main bridge between the China Outbound (CNOB) Sales Team and MI, the China Outbound Advertiser Experience Team ( CNOB AdEx ) improves the advertising experience for sales and advertisers by dealing with daily operation issues. As an engagement leader in our Advertiser Experience team, you will lead team members to collaborate with cross-functional departments to ensure the safety of monetization integrity. Meanwhile, according to vertical sales team's business mode, you will provide proactive engagement to CNOB sales teams on all integrity issues. Responsibilities: 1. Lead team members to provide efficient support for CNOB application and agency teams, improve the advertising experience for sales, advertisers, and agencies; 2. Develop support plans for AdEx team of application and agency verticals, and continuously track and monitor work plans; 3. Responsible for overall control of monetization integrity issues for CNOB advertisers in applications and agencies, working closely with xfn teams (such as product, policy, risk, etc.) to ensure the smooth resolution of daily operation issues for CNOB sales and advertisers; 4. Pay close attention to data, track and analyze exceptional cases, and timely communicate warnings to sales teams to control risks; 5. Regularly synchronize policy, process updates, etc. with internal and external stakeholders, convey the impact of changes, and help sales explore customer acquisition opportunities; 6. Lead team members to provide timely communication and education to sales and advertisers, helping them achieve optimal advertising results on platform; 7. Establish and optimize service management mechanisms and processes to improve customer satisfaction; 8. Train and manage team members, continuously improve the overall quality of the team, and constantly optimize and improve working processes. 任职要求: 1、本科及以上学历,5年以上互联网行业工作经验,具备团队管理经验优先,有应用行业及代理商行业经验优先; 2、具备中英文双语能力,可以以英语作为工作语言; 3、具备数据导向和问题解决导向的思考能力和工作能力; 4、具有创业精神以及处理矛盾的丰富经验; 5、能够适应全球跨区域、跨时区、跨团队沟通合作的工作环境; 6、具备较强的自驱力与抗压能力; 7、能够适应高速的工作节奏,具备多任务并行工作的能力; 8、以客户为导向,善于倾听,善于平衡企业管理和运营视角。 1. Bachelor's degree or above, with over 5 years of working experience in internet companies, team management experience preferred, experience in application and agency industries preferred; 2. Bilingual in English and Chinese, both written and spoken; 3. Able to demonstrate analytical-thinking and problem-solving in the daily routine; 4. Entrepreneurial and experience dealing with ambiguity; 5. Experience prioritizing and managing tasks within a fast paced environment; 6. Experience working collaboratively in a global, diverse team and environment; 7. Entrepreneurial mindset, self-driven, comfortable dealing with ambiguity; 8. Customer-oriented, good at listening, good at balancing business and operational perspectives.
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